Saturday, February 21, 2015

strangely simple

I just left these pages alone for a long time, adding occasional shapes of paper to the left side and mostly staring at the shapes that gelli printing had left on the right side.  The doorway on that side just occurred to me one day and that made me have to really make the splotch of color into a figure.  I really liked that page once I was done with her and with the bubbles.  The left page, however took a lot longer.  It sat there with random strips of color on it for ages and one day I was doing something else and my fathers collection of stamps got opened.  

I got the "Collector Gene" unfiltered from my dad.  When he died there were stashes of envelopes full of stamps, old photos, letters, badges and certificates hidden all over the house.  Since my mother's sight was pretty good, he hid them in strange places.  I'm not even sure I found all of them...

And of course, I KEPT all of them.  

He had stamps from all over the world, some torn off the envelopes and some with complete envelopes attached. I am still looking at them and wondering what to do with them, but these two stamps seemed to pull all those disparate shapes on this page together for me, so you can see what you think..  I loved the shape of what was left of the envelope, the postmark and the tiny bit of writing. ...


mycamerandme365 said...

You could sell all or some of the stamps Jordi. I recently sold some of my father's and one was worth $900 at auction !!

jordi said...

That is amazing.. How I would go about it I am not sure as he was even less organized than I am. I guess I have visions of books with stamps in them rather than envelopes full of torn off stamps. Hmmmmm... you have given me something to think about for sure..